Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Nap

College lesson #1- The Nap is back.

Back in preschool, naps were for taming us cranky children until our parents reluctantly picked us up to go home at the end of their work day.
We weren't old enough to realize how truly special the Nap is!
In grade school, we start to think about it. We start to realize that the Nap has been taken away from us. Oh, the snack crackers we would've traded to have a nap time after recess. It obviously would've helped our teachers out, after listening to the typical 8 year old's conversation day after day.

“Why did the chicken cross the road?”
“Because it wanted to get away from the people.”
“I’m sorry but that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Yes it does!”
“No it doesn’t, that means it’d be roadkill.”
“So? That’s better than being eaten by people!”
“No it’s not! Would you rather be cut open, or run over by a car??”
“…neither, I’d rather live!”

If I were a teacher, I'd have given them as many naps as they wanted.

Then comes middle school. In middle school, we get depressed and full of angst. No more recess. Now it's boyfriend/girlfriend drama that we got all wrapped up in like we thought it was our lives on the line. I hate middle schoolers.

Now, I'm still too bitter about high school to include much now, but all I can say is that nap time in High School probably would've solved any drug or violence issue happening during and after school hours. We were all just tired, angry and bored and had nothing better to do than pick at eachother for  4 years straight. I do know of a few individuals who decided to master the Nap- Come home from school, sleep for an hour or so, and then get back to ignoring homework and being destructive in some way. 

That isn't a Nap.

College students, we know what a Nap is.
A nap is anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It can be done between classes, in a dorm room, on a  couch in the lounge, on a bench in the lobby, in the car, you name it. 
And naps are important. Why? 
Us college students are TIRED. We may say that we aren't. But we are. We may drink enough Rockstars to worry we've caused a heart problem- but we are tired. We may not drool like one, but we walk around like zombies. Circles under our eyes, slumped and slouched. 
Why are we tired?
Come on now. Everyone knows why college students are tired. 
They're partying. Having sex. Drinking, usually illegally. Smoking weed. Playing loud instruments at all hours of the night.
WHAT?! How could I say that?! That's not true! College students are up late STUDYING, cramming in every minute they can at 4:30 am!
Well, party or study, it's all true. But this is where the Nap comes in.

Here's a lesson from personal experience. 

The night before my English paper was due, I said to myself, "Hey! My English paper is due tomorrow morning. As ridiculous as this prompt is, it's still worth 100 points. I suppose I should start my research."
This is at approximately 11:30 pm. 
And so I started. At about 2:30 am, I realized that the last four times I had spelled the word "alone", I had forgotten the "e". Well, crap. "I'm tired," I thought to myself.

And so I took a nap. From 2:35 am until 3:45 am, I slept like I had never slept before. 

Upon waking, I found myself oddly refreshed and ready to keep working! I finished my essay 2 hours later, and even made it to class on time. 

So, for those of you who think you're ready to remaster the wholesome fantastic awesomeness of the Nap, here are your guidelines:

Set your alarm.

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