Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In Between

I always hate the in between
Not having a someone makes me miss a someone....
It's a constant ache. 
It's like jumping from rock to rock...
That nasty feeling in between, when you're rising... suspended... and falling...
Now, I am rising. I've just left Rock One, and I have a ways to go before Rock Two.
It gives me too much to think about, and too much time to think.
Why did I jump in the first place?
How soon will I get to Rock Two?
Sooner than I thought?
Halfway there, now. 
Rock Two is in plain sight. This is that pivotal moment, locking onto your target.
I'm suspended there, in between where I've jumped from and where I'm about to land.
Too late to go back now, because soon, I'll be falling...
And then it happens.
It's your gut that sets in, and you know you're going down, getting closer and closer to Rock Two.
No looking back, it's almost over.
The ache is almost over.
What if I miss? What if my aim was off, when I jumped in the first place?
I'm still falling... can't stop now.

I hate the in between

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