1. Someone is playing a massive April Fools joke on me... seven days too late.
2. Blogger is having some major issues and needs to call a tech doctor.
3. I really did get 4,043 views last night.
I really wish I could've seen my own face this morning. It was about 9am, I barely had my eyes open all the way yet. This is when I started my morning routine. Check my phone- five missed text messages. Wow, that's kind of a lot. Next, check my Facebook. Eight new notifications? Geez, that's a lot too. Check my blog stats. Yesterday's stats were still there. Fifteen hours ago, I had been all excited because I had gotten 21 hits pretty quickly, after the Discovered and Reviewed post.
I clicked refresh.
At this point, I'm sure the look on my face said something like, "How dare you lie to me! People in Moldova don't use the internet!" Because honestly, I didn't even know where Moldova is, let alone that it exists. My apologies to Moldova, I Googled you guys, and apparently there are over 3 million people living there.
This is insane, guys, really. Over 4,000 views in one hour, in the middle of the night? I must've done something right...
Okay, that kinda makes sense. I mentioned 3 people in my Tweet that have a lot of followers. Sure.
But that really doesn't explain 4,000 views. I wasn't convinced.
I posted a status on Facebook:
Well, that was no help. So, how did this happen? I then consulted my wonderful Blogger friend, Elika (visit her blog!). I sent, "Hey, I have a question for u... Rather, a concern u might be able to help me with... How long have you had your blog? Have u ever had a weird number in your stats? Cuz.... There's either a glitch in my stats, or I got 4,000 hits in one hour last night. I don't think it's right and I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my stats. Lol..."
She replied, "I've had my blog since dec. 2009. And I had that happen once, when I was using a 3rd party app, but then I switched to a blogger stats counter and it's been normal. Maybe you just got super popular last night :)"
That makes perfect sense. Except I'm not using a 3rd party app... I've always only looked at my Blogger Stats, right from my dashboard. So I was still very confused.
I checked Twitter again. Something was still off, I just knew it. I left my computer and started getting ready for the day. I was in the middle of straightening my hair, when it hit me...
#newmusic (cue Twilight Zone theme song)
This had to be it. I clicked the link from my Tweet, and Oh My Goodness, there was the answer.
It took me to a magical place I'd never even dreamed of. A hashtag trend so powerful, it gave me 4,000 views in one hour. I call this "The Twitter Phenomena". When a person uses this trend in their Tweet, it gets put with any other Tweets using that same trend. I kid you not, approximately every 30 seconds, someone is tagging their Tweet with this trend. Granted, most of these people are underground artists linking their own new music in their Tweets so people will listen to their music... but that's just it!!! It's completely genius!!! If I want something noticed, I have to tag it the right way, even on Twitter! Now, come on, I already knew the tagging trick. It's just like uploading a YouTube video and tagging it with the words "naked" and "Sarah Palin"... trends that are extremely popular on YouTube and the internet in general. But this... Twitter Phenomena... this will get me far. I've officially mastered the Twitter world. So, look out! Here I come.
you should check to see who retweeted that tweet too :)